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A good one person hiking tent will weigh around 1.5kg and include an inner, fly, poles and pegs. It should be able to withstand rainy and windy conditions and provide enough shelter for yourself and your pack.

Some hiking tents can be expensive so if you don’t have access to one, we highly recommend hiring a tent from us and sharing it (and the weight!) with a friend.

If you are interested in buying your own tent, this is a really good review of a range of hiking tents, ranging from $180-$900:


It is really important that you bring along a comfortable sleeping mat. A sleeping mat should also be compact and lightweight (under 1kg is best), but the most important thing is that it is comfortable enough that you are going to get those much-needed ZZZ’s.

If you need a new sleeping mat, we highly recommend visiting a local outdoor store to try the different types or have a look at this review:


First and foremost, you want a sleeping bag that is going to keep you warm. That means, if your expedition is between April and September, you’re going to want something dense, while in the months of October to March, you can probably get away with something a bit lighter.

Sleeping bags generally come with a rating- if you can’t see one on your sleeping bag, assume it is a ‘summer’ bag and will only keep you warm if the overnight temperature doesn’t dip below 10 degrees.

  • A +5 to +10 is considered a ‘summer’ bag. It is roughly as warm as sleeping with a sheet or light blanket on your bed at home. We only recommend this for a December expedition.
  • A 0 degree bag is a great all-rounder, but won’t keep you warm on a night below 5 degrees. We would only recommend this for an April expedition.
  • A -5 to -10 degree bag is considered a ‘winter’ bag in our eastern Australian climate. We recommend you bring this for a July or September expedition.

What sleeping bag you bring also depends on what the weather is doing that week and if you are a cold or warm sleeper. We recommend bringing along a sleeping bag liner and/or a pair of thermals to stay extra toasty on cold nights.



  • 2-3 Drink bottles – you need to be able to carry 3L of water if needed on a hot day
  • Mess kit with bowl, mug, fork, spoon, sponge, tea towel, pocket knife (if you need to chop something)
  • Head torch with fresh batteries


  • Inflatable Pillow
  • Camp Shoes (enclosed toes only- Crocs okay, thongs not okay)
  • Insect Repellant
  • Playing Cards or UNO

And if you need more information, please direct all enquiries by email.